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Showing posts from March, 2017

Ways to Include Pets to Enhance Your Fictional World by Sue Coletta

Welcome crime writer, Sue Coletta, to Hearticles. She is guest posting about adding pets and animals to your writing. Take it away, Sue! • • • I love writing pets into my stories. Not only is a great way to  show a killer’s soft side , but they become important family members for the main characters. In my stories, I’ve used a Rottweiler, mastiff, and St. Bernard ( MARRED  and CLEAVED), a calico, tabby, and all-black cat ( Wings of Mayhem ), pet crows (Blessed Mayhem), and a black bear (A Sultry Abyss in  SCREAM ). I’ve even borrowed  a friend’s Bulldog  for Black Out ( RUN ), but I felt so responsible for him, I couldn’t include him like I’d originally planned. God forbid I returned him emotionally scarred from the experience. It’s much safer to use fictional pets. Need a way to show your character’s quirky side? Include a bearded dragon, snapping turtle, boa, tarantula, or exotic bird. Is your character adventurous? Give him a pet moose, lion, leopa...