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Showing posts from August, 2016

Submissions: What Our Editors Look For

You've written your book, typed 'the end', and are now looking for a place to publish. STOP! Is your book ready? Of course, you'll need to edit, re-edit, and edit some more before you have a submittable project. But there are some things you want to pay special attention to before hitting send on your submission or query to a publisher. Here are some helpful hints that will get your book read with TirgearrPublishing : First, every publisher's guidelines are different, so it's important that you follow each publisher's specific guidelines, even if it means tailoring your basic submission. Tirgearr Publishing strives to make the submission process easy, so be sure to take a moment to ensure your submission is not only formatted correctly, but that the story is actually what we're looking for. Check our guidelines here Keep in mind that editors can read dozens of books per week, so the more well-presented your submission is...