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Showing posts from June, 2016

Book pirating and what you can do to protect your work

Official FBI Book Piracy Info Here Book piracy is the #1 bane of an author's existence. While the divide between traditional publishing and self publishing seems to be widening, there will always be one thing that joins us together...fighting book pirates and those people who download our books from these sites. I posted about this last December with the basic DMCA notice and how to use it , but last week, Google's own Fusion Tables came under scrutiny, as a number of books were found there, being offered for free. I sent four DMCA notices on behalf of Tirgearr Publishing to those involved with this database: • Google/Fusion Tables •  The wesbite itself •  The server host who lets the website park on their server •  The domain registrant Our complaint to Google was also registered by Google with Lumen, which shows up today as an active case. Lumen (see below) is one of the main go-to sites for DMCA cases. Perhaps this was why the links from that G...