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Showing posts from May, 2014

How to Think Like a Writer

To anyone who ever said writing was easy . . . {blowing rasperries!} If it's so easy, you try it. For those of use who make our livings doing some form of writing -- creative writing, poetry, journalism, etc . . . we must engage in some practices others don't readily understand. Read. A lot! READ Read a lot. Read everything. Read outside your comfort zone, especially when you feel blocked. You're not looking to copy anyone else or to try emulating their success. Reading opens creative channels in your brain. Reading stimulates the imagination, as new ideas ping and clash into each other until you see a clear path in your own work. Reading classics is a great way to see how some of the greats because 'the greats'. You'll not only read some amazing stories, but also see how literature has changed over the decades, and how your work is part of that change. And you'll also see what's in those books that makes them classics today. Learn from the gre...